Valeria came to Ireland in 2009 with her three children to find work. She and her family stayed with friends until she found a job. Because of the economic crisis, Valeria had to change jobs several times in the three years she was in Ireland. Eventually she was unable to find work and could not support her children.

Valeria’s friends told her that IOM could assist her family in returning to Moldova. She made an appointment to talk to the staff in the Dublin office. Because she was especially vulnerable with three children and no work, Valeria was eligible to receive assistance with the costs of her travel.

After returning with her children, Valeria received assistance from her family until she applied for the reintegration grant. She used the grant for agriculture, hoping to sell produce in local markets and for use by her own family.

IOM staff spoke with Valeria six months after her return to monitor her reintegration. Valeria explained that she had been worried about leaving Ireland because she enjoyed living there. But she thinks she made the right decision to return to Georgia, and is especially happy to be reunited with her parents.