Usun came to Ireland to study English in 2003 and was able to work-part time during his course. Once he graduated, he was not able to renew his visa. However, he found a job in a local restaurant. In 2010, the restaurant closed and Usun decided to return to Mongolia to be with his family.

Usun went to the guardaí to ask if there were any resources to help him. The guardaí told him about IOM’s AVRR VARRP, and Usun made an appointment with the Dublin office. He was eligible to receive support for his return.

After he returned, it took Usun about a month to feel settled. He was surprised at how much Mongolia had changed in his time away, and he liked the positive developments.  Usun applied for the reintegration grant to start a small shop where he could make and sell slippers. He chose to do it in his hometown because, although the market is bigger in Ulaanbaatar, there was also more competition. “Where I live it is very cold, so there is a higher demand for the products.”

After six months, Usun reported that his business was making a profit. He was happy with his work and did not want to move again.