In 2007, Iulian could not find work in Moldova and decided to move. He had friends in Ireland, so he joined them in Dublin. He had “very good impressions” of the city and was able to find a job immediately. After two years, however, it became more difficult to get hired. In 2012, he was unemployed for nearly six months. He had no way to support himself and was afraid for his security. Iulian decided to return to Moldova.

Before he returned, Iulian was worried about returning and “about everything in his life changing.” He approached IOM for assistance and received counselling to help him prepare for the adjustment to life in Moldova.

After he returned, Iulian was happy to be reunited with his family, especially his son. He still struggled with his decision and wished he could have found work in Ireland. In Moldova, Iulian received a reintegration grant from IOM Ireland to begin a construction business. He mainly works on apartment repairs. “I’m good at this.”