After their application for international protection (IP) was denied, a family faced an uncertain future and turned to the International Organization for Migration (IOM) for assistance through the Assisted Voluntary Return Programme to return to their home country.

The entire family was grappling with serious health issues, prompting IOM to swiftly begin preparations to facilitate their return. To address their complex medical needs and ensure a comfortable journey, IOM arranged for the family to receive care from a General Practitioner and secured a Medical Escort to accompany them throughout the trip. Additionally, IOM ensured that accessible seating and wheelchairs were available to support the family during the entire journey. Despite the challenges, the family felt relieved knowing they could return home and focus on rebuilding their lives. With a mix of anxiety and hope, they boarded the plane, supported at every step by IOM teams.

Upon safely arriving back in their home country, the family is now using their reintegration grant to address their medical needs and feels optimistic about their recovery and future.

If you need to return to your country of origin and don’t have the means to do so, visit to find out how IOM Ireland can support you.



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