Anzori came to Ireland in 2008 from Georgia, looking for new work opportunities. He had been partially employed for three years when his mother developed a serious health problem. Anzori, who had been missing his hometown for several months, wanted to help care for her. He decided it was time for him to move back to Georgia permanently.

Anzori’s friends told him that IOM Ireland could help him arrange travel home, since he could not afford to return on his own. When he met with the staff, they also told him about the reintegration assistance. Although Anzori knew already that he wanted to return, the idea that he could begin a business made him more optimistic about the possibility that he could have good job in Georgia.

After arriving home, Anzori relied on assistance from his friends and relatives until he received the reintegration grant. He researched his options and decided to invest in a friend’s computer accessories shop. In the meantime, he also worked as a taxi driver to supplement his income. He was confident that he would be earning a profit soon.

After six months, Anzori was visited by staff from IOM Ireland. Anzori was happy to report that the original shop has now expanded into three spaces. He explained that competition is very high because there are other, similar shops. However, his has an advantage because they are purchasing products that no one else has. 

Anzori wants to continue expanding his business and to remain living with his family in Georgia.