
Voices of Syrians in Ireland: How Has Life Changed?

In order to understand the longer-term experiences of resettled refugees in Ireland, IOM Ireland is undertaking research to record and share the views of Syrians who arrived in Ireland through the Resettlement programme from Lebanon and Jordan between 2015 and 2019.

The purpose of these voluntary interviews is to hear the stories of refugees about their life in new communities, how things have changed since they arrived, and their hopes for the future.

The research will provide a unique opportunity for Syrian refugees to tell this story in their own words. We hope that you will use this opportunity to share your voice and experience with many other people across Ireland.

We will hold face-to-face interviews in Arabic to hear people’s stories and views and understand how this growing community in Ireland is changing over time.

All interviews are voluntary. We will meet with each person individually. In order to ensure that all responses are kept entirely confidential, we will not share people’s names or identities in the report. Each interview will take 1 hour maximum. We will only interview people who are 18 years of age and over.

If you would like to take part in the research, please email