Join Abiola, Latifa, Stephen, Olga, Allen, Jamalida, Alisa, Laura and Matthew - 9 people from near and far – as they bring the Irish Storytelling to life. 




The Irish tradition of storytelling, or Seanchaithe, serves as a magnificent way to share, express, and bring stories to life. From the temples of Bhopal, India, to an Australian quarantine centre, and right to our front door in County Dublin, each storyteller offers a glimpse into their world for just a moment. These stories, told on camera, are represented in the gallery through unique portraits and an interactive QR code, inviting the audience to listen to their tales.


The exhibition showcases the lived realities of people, who found their home in Ireland beyond their migration status, conveying the complexity and depth of an individual.


We encourage you to explore your connection with these stories and to reflect on the inspiration from the shared experiences. Pause for a brief moment and share the joy, fear, humour, pain and delight of these narratives.


“We are not defined by our migratory status, we are defined by our unique stories, aspirations, and contributions. This exhibition invites us to see beyond stereotypes, celebrating the individuality and humanity of each person while fostering understanding and connection across communities.” - Zuzana Vatralova, Chief of Mission at IOM Ireland.






The place where I was born


Now living in Ireland, Allen grew up in Dubai but is from India. Troubled with how little he knows of his birthplace, he vividly transports us to Bhopal, India, as he joyfully revisits the places that inspire him most.


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“An alive mother is better than a dead one”


Forced to leave Afghanistan, Latifa’s story is an account of any parent's worst nightmare: To remain with your child but risk death, or to leave in hopes of later being reunited. Latifa’s powerful story highlights the true cost of displacement.


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Belonging and the call of home


Join Matthew as he grapples with the trials and tribulations of setting up a new life having migrated to Australia, an emigration journey undertaken by many people from the Island of Ireland. As a Doctor, Matt explores how his profound experiences around life and death have shaped is world view.


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“A tree doesn’t forget its roots”


Arriving in Ireland as a baby, Jamalida is a Rohingya refugee who had only known Ireland her whole life until she visited her birthplace, a refugee camp in Bangladesh. She finds herself caught between places, people, and her two juxtaposing lives. Her reflection shares the lessons and memories from the people dear to her, both near and far.


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“A man of three halves”


Stephen describes himself as a man of three halves, having been brought up in Brazil to Irish and Spanish parents. His story explores this dynamic with both humour and sincerity, bringing with it an impactful account of his experiences.


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“Homesick for Ireland”


After years of living and working in Ireland, a change in circumstances forced Laura to pack up and return home to Mexico. Upon returning, she began longing for Ireland, despite being in her home country. Laura’s compelling story marks how she navigated this complex moment in her life, with the wisdom and guidance of her family.


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An ode to my parents


Abiola arrived in Ireland two years ago as part of his journey to fulfil his destiny. His story invites us to explore the significance of his names, which hold deep meaning in Nigerian culture, as he reflects on the profound influence of his father and mother on his upbringing.


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Expression Unleashed


Alisa arrived from Ukraine with her parents in 2022, bringing boundless charisma and a spark of star potential. Her story offers a youthful outlook filled with humour and song, providing a delightful glimpse into her world.


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“A fresh breeze from Ireland”


Having arrived from Ukraine in 2022, Olga’s story is a compelling account of her beginnings in Ireland and how a warm welcome enabled her to find her feet and succeed professionally and personally.


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