04 Oct 2021

IOM Conference on the Power of Data in the context of COVID-19 Response – A Focus on Migrants

  • Date
    06 May 2020, 14:00pm

14:00 – 16:30 Irish Standard Time (IST)

The IOM Mission in Ireland, together with the Global Migration Data Analysis Centre (GMDAC) in Berlin is hosting a webinar on the importance of data in the context of the current global health crisis, COVID-19, with specific focus on migrant populations. By drawing on knowledgeable international experts, working in the field of migration, data and public health, this webinar aims to raise awareness on the importance of real-time, innovative, accurate, and dis-aggregated data in creating a more transparent and clearer understanding on key pandemic-related trends, namely amongst populations most at risk.

Full event program

Event Recording


Lalini Veerassamy, Chief of Mission, IOM Ireland (Host)

David Donoghue, Former Irish Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Moderator)

Frank Lazcko, Director, Global Migration Data Analysis Centre
COVID-19 and Migration, A Data Perspective

Nuno Nunes, Global Coordinator, Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM)
Understanding Displacement and Population Mobility

Dr. Ruairi Brugha, Director of the Irish Global Health Network & Royal College of Surgeons Ireland (RCSI)
Analysis of Current COVID-19 Data And Its Limitations

Monette Zard, Director of Programme on Forced Migration & Health, Columbia University
Overview of the Vulnerabilities and Behaviour of Migrants in The Context of COVID: Key Country Examples

Dr. Caitriona Dowd, Assistant Professor in Security Studies, Dublin City University (DCU)
The Use of Data in Humanitarian Settings

Dominik Zenner, Senior Regional Migration Health Advisor, IOM Brussels
The Importance of Health Surveillance within Communities More At Risk, in The Context of COVID-19 Response

Dr. Elisabeth Waagensen, Officer on Migration and Health, World Health Organisation (WHO)
The Importance of Health Surveillance within Communities More At Risk, in The Context of COVID-19 Response